I have a few friends that I would call mentors, two of whom are Mr. Leroy Cox, CEO and Advisor of BioGreen Systems Inc., along with Mr. Ron Torel, recently appointed, President of BioGreen Systems Inc. Many times I’ve heard them say, (I’m paraphrasing here); “Set your goals and then surround yourself with those who are positive, supportive and have the same interests and goals as you have”. Teamwork is essential to achieving goals of any kind.
The choice whether or not to “Go Green” in our lives is a decision each one of us has personal control over. One area we may not have considered involves the companies that we do business with or purchase products from. Of course we cannot control others, but we can choose who to do or not do business with. We can help to make a difference far beyond our own personal corner of the world by choosing to do business with companies and corporations that are truly making an effort to make a “Green Difference”. In other words, create a group or “Team” of “Green Minded” businesses to work with. The way we, as consumers, spend our money sends a powerful message to Corporate America. With the economy in the situation it’s now in, that message can be louder and stronger than ever!

As we state on our website “2Day is the First Day of a Greener Future”. Each and every day we can learn more about “Going Green”, more ways to “Go Green” and more ways to implement our knowledge or put into practice what we have learned. In what we do, what we purchase and from whom we purchase it, makes a statement and an impact. Choose to make a “Green Choice”.
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