Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going Green…With Green Integrity!

At BioGreen Systems, Inc. we take great pride in being able to provide a complete line of high quality “Green Products” for Personal Care, Home Care and Laundry Care. These are the kinds of products that we all use on a daily basis. What is most important to you in your search for “Green Products” to use in your home or office? Is it the quality, the value, the benefits to you and the environment, the availability, the company’s “green integrity” or all of the above? Whatever your answer, BioGreen can meet your needs.

BioGreen’s products are the very best that science and technology has to offer, they are not tested on animals and are truly non-toxic, earth sensitive, “green” products. They are not only safe, but also, cost effective and multi-purpose. (Example: BioGreen’s EcoPure, mixed 20 to 1 with water, costs less than 50 cents per quart!) Most importantly, the use of BioGreen’s products will help protect not only you and your family, but also the surrounding environment. The products are readily available, just a “click” away when ordered online and shipped directly to you. Since BioGreen’s products are so highly concentrated, (many are mixed with water before use, which saves you money) they require less packaging, which means they are more economical to ship, thereby having less of an impact on the environment and your wallet. By careful packing BioGreen is able to ship the products in the least amount of packaging possible. With our use of packing “peanuts” made from cornstarch, which dissolve in water and are completely biodegradable, demonstrates just one more way that BioGreen gives evidence of our “green integrity”.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What Is Tea Tree Oil???

The following is taken from the BioGreen Systems Online Information Library.
Tea Tree Oil is an essential oil derived from the Australian Melaleuca tree, was first Introduced to Western culture in the late 18th century when botanist Joseph Banks observed the Aborigines making an oily poultice that had amazing healing properties for a wide variety of external skin problems.
Australia has very high standards for the quality control of Tea Tree Oil. There are several grades and BioGreen uses only the pharmaceutical grade… the very best available! Look below and see what value Tea Tree Oil can bring to you and your family.

Tea Tree Oil is an absolute must to have in every home. Tea Tree Oil has so many uses…it helps with the pain of a burn and when you use the Soothing Ointment over it really helps protect you from infection. It can help keep your skin from bruising in the event of an injury. Tea Tree Oil works on many external skin problems, such as sunburn, minor cuts, burns, abrasions, cold sores and Athlete's foot. Once you use it, you'll know why people have been using this incredible product for centuries, and why it is revered as a “Medicine Chest in a Bottle”.
BioGreen Systems has several products that the main ingredient is Tea Tree Oil. These Products have varied uses but all are used to maintain a lifestyle that fights bacteria, fungus, and other airborne diseases.

Find Products That Contain Tea Tree Oil.