Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Going Green"- Is it Just a Fad?

I have to shake my head when I hear some say, either to my face, on the Internet or in the Media that “going green” is just a fad. I don’t think they actually know what a fad is. The definition of a fad is… “Something that is very popular with a small group of people for a short period of time.”

Maybe, in the case of some of the big businesses, it is just a fad and nothing more than a marketing opportunity for them. It may be a fad for some individuals, whose only purpose for “going green” is just because everyone else is doing it. When you really look around, though, you can see there are many companies and individuals who have made “going green” an essential part of their businesses and their lives, for many years. And others, who may have just recently started “going green”, are sincerely doing everything they possibly can to fulfill their commitment to preserve the environment. So, to say “going green” is just a fad is certainly incorrect.

BioGreen Systems is one such company whose values and concerns, from their very beginning, has been to manufacture & provide high quality, non-toxic, green products. The products, from BioGreen, not only make the environment in your home safer, but through the use of them you have the opportunity to have a share in protecting the environment.

I am inclined to believe “Going Green” is a trend more so than a fad and I feel it needs to be turned into a way of life.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Is It a Case of “Greenwashing”?

With the focus of the media along with the general public on the “Green Movement” everyone is trying to get their “Piece of the Pie”. This “Green Movement” has not gone unnoticed by big business. It’s commendable to try and do our part, be it one person or a large corporation. There are companies that have been “Green” from their inception and there are also companies that are moving in that direction.
Unfortunately, we as consumers must be on the watch for “Greenwashing” by some businesses. Of course not all companies are guilty of this, but it makes a person wonder when you go into a store and see the flood of new “Green” products and right next to them is the entire line of dangerous toxic products, offered by the same companies. Are these companies genuinely trying to move toward being “Green” or are they just trying to capitalize on a situation with only monetary goals in mind, i.e. “Hey, we can make a bundle of money here if we claim to be Green”.
We as a family choose to use products from
BioGreen Systems, a company that’s been “Green” from its very beginning. Whether a person decides to use BioGreen products or products from any number of other truly “Green” companies it’s important to make the move and by doing so sending a message to the companies that are guilty of “Greenwashing”.

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Choose to Make a “Green” Choice!

As we all make steps towards becoming more “green”, in whatever way we choose, it’s important to keep in mind an important thought. “In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt.

Think about that as you make your decisions on how you want to “go green.” Everyone will choose their own way that they want to help in preserving the environment, and no one way is the right way or wrong way, but just a different way. The most important thing we must remember is that the worst thing we can do is nothing. Since there are so many easy ways for any of us to “go green” there is no reason to not make an effort to do so.

Probably one of the simplest ways to “go green”, is to just switch your buying habits on the things that you are now already purchasing on a regular basis, at your local stores. Everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, washes their clothes, cleans their homes, takes a shower, washes their hair, and the list goes on. By starting here, in our homes, we not only help make them safer, we also have a positive impact on the environment.

No need to be concerned that “green products” are going to cost more than the products you’re now using. “Green products” are generally highly concentrated and many are mixed with water before using. (Example: BioGreen’s EcoPure, mixed 20 to 1 with water, costs just 50 cents per quart!) Since “green products” are so concentrated, they require less packaging and less fuel to ship, and as a result have less of an impact on the environment.

“Green Products” also have multiple uses, so they can tackle more cleaning tasks than traditional, non-green cleaners. So, the more jobs a cleaner can do, the fewer products you need to buy, again another way to save you money and cut waste. Check out the multiple uses for
BioGreen's products at our website: Going Green 2Day.

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Thursday, June 12, 2008

“Going Green”…The Right Thing to Do

It seems everywhere we turn, in the media, the entertainment world and big business, we are hearing about the importance of “Going Green”. Most of us are fully aware of the importance of recycling and conserving energy as a valuable way we can help preserve the environment. We may not realize, though, that there are other, very simple ways we can have a share in protecting and preserving the environment.

Think about it…each and everyday we ALL have the opportunity to not only protect our family’s health, by the choices we make, but by making the right choices we are able to protect our environment. Remember, each and every one of us is a part of the environment, so whatever we do to the environment, we do to ourselves.

We may ask ourselves, “What can we do that will actually make a difference?” As one person or one family, we may not be able to change the world, but we can have a share in protecting and preserving our little part of the world, our homes. With the world’s focus on protecting the environment and “going green”, it’s only logical that we start in our own homes. By “going green” in our homes we not only cause our homes to be safer for our families, we also have an impact on preserving the environment that surrounds us. One way that we can do this is by carefully choosing the products we use on an everyday basis and simply switching to using safe, non-toxic, “green products”.

Because of my desire to provide a safe home for my family and protect the environment, I was very excited when I was introduced to the BioGreen Systems product line. I am proud to be a part of a company whose mission is to provide meaningful solutions to the health problems created in today's toxic environment and sharing in the preservation of the environment. BioGreen manufactures and distributes a complete line of reasonably priced, highly effective, non- toxic, “green products”. The products that are available from BioGreen Systems will replace every toxic product you now have in your home, from cleaning, to laundry and personal care products.

This blog is dedicated to providing information on how, by just making simple changes in our buying habits, we can take one step towards having a share in protecting the environment. It will also be providing information on how, if you choose, you can start earning extra money from home without spending any extra money, just by the use of these products and sharing them with others.

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